Search results

(1 - 20 of 23)


Bacchus and Ariadne
Cupid Awakes Psyche from Her Deadly Sleep
Cupids Playing Croquet
Cupids Pulling in a Net
Cupids with Swans
Hero and Leander
Nymph, Satyrs and Putti
Pan and Syrinx
Psyche and Her Sisters
Psyche and Her Sisters in the Palace of Cupid
Psyche and Her Sisters in the Palace of Cupid
Psyche Discovers Cupid's Palace
Psyche is Brought away in a Mournful Procession
Psyche Saved by the River
Psyche Worshipped as a Goddess
Psyche's Father Consults the Oracle
Putti with Goats
Rape of the Sabine Women
Roman Charity
Saint John the Baptist Wreathing a Lamb
