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(1 - 20 of 64)


Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in His Art Gallery in Brussels
Artist at Work in a Picture Cabinet
Coastal Landscape with Fisherfolk and Their Catch and Fishing Vessels Offshore
Couple outside a Cottage
Discovery of Paris
Doctor with His Patient
Extensive Landscape with Woodcutters
Family Meal
Hurdy-gurdy Player on the Outskirts of a Town
Interior of a Cottage with a Slaughtered Pig and Children Playing with a Bladder
Interior of a Laboratory with an Alchemist at Work
Interior of a Picture Gallery with an Artist at Work
Interior of a Tavern
Kitchen Interior
Kitchen Interior
Landscape with a Castle
Landscape with Three Farmers and a Dog
Man Playing a Theorbo-Lute Seated before a Table, Another Man Looking on beyond
