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(1 - 19 of 19)
Adoration of the Magi
Biblical Scene
Biblical Scene
Butcher's Shop
Elijah Fed by the Raven
Extensive Landscape with Departure for the Hunt
Extensive Monuntanious Landscape with Country Villas, and Pan Pursuing Syrinx in the Foreground
Gipsy Encampment in a Rocky Cavern with Wooded Landscape beyond
Interior of a Kitchen with Figures and Still Life
Landscape with Gipsies in a Grotto
Mountain Landscape, with Peasants on a Road between Rocks
Musical Company
Peasants Merrymaking in the Courtyard of an Inn
Raising of Lazarus
Rocky Landscape with Gipsies and Farmers
Rocky Wooded Landscape with an Old Man and a Woman Leading a Cow, a Shrine on a Rock beyond
Saint John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness
Saints Paul the Hermit and Antony Abbot
Temptation of Saint Antony